Saturday, October 26, 2013

Love Football....but at what cost!

Bryant Gumbel, known sports reporter does a TV program called Real Sports and in it he covers many topics. The lastest that caught my eye, link to the left on this page, he talks about concussion and the effects of long term brain damage related to the game of Football. In his report he raises issues which I hate to hear because I love football. All of the recent rule changes in football to protect players irks me, but I understand the why's. The game has changed ....for the better! In his report, he indicates that recent surveys find that over 80% have heard of the link between concussions and brain damage. Polls have indicated that 33% of adults are less likely to have their children play youth tackle football, which has translated to a 13% drop in kids playing youth football. And fans of the game were polled and 14% said that they find football less enjoyable because of their awareness of what it's doing to the players. The poll looked at income and found that people who earned below $50,000 and who did not go to college heard less about the effects of concussion. The conclusion could be that the game of football is played by the poor...for the enjoyment of others! Remember at one point the sport of Boxing was one of the most popular sports until people realized what what happening to the athletes! In my opinion, recent rule changes in youth football to limit live tackling to only 1/3 of a weekly practice makes sense and safety along with proper tackling skills is essential in which kids learn to tackle with their shoulders and not lead with their heads! Coaches need to be closely scrutinized for their adherence to proper safety! Playing the game is fun but not if it means memory deficits which last a lifetime and thus effect a person's lifelong behavior, academic performance, social and personal relationships, occupational choices and lifetime income potential. Yes all of that to play the game of football!

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