Thursday, October 24, 2013

BMI... Not Politically Correct

The Cape Cod Times is following the easy path of being politically correct! The use of BMI in schools has never been to intimidate kids, as a matter of fact, kids that are physically muscular are showing up with high BMI's! Are they being made fun of in schools, not in my school! BMI continues to be a valuable tool to look at fitness and academic success, but weight issues continues to be a sensitive issue for parents because of the emotions involved. But in reality, BMI has its role, it is telling parents to look deeper into their child's health. In this forum I have elaborated numerous times about the benefits of BMI. The State of Mass. required it based on health reasons and yet not one of the state's health experts can be found to add some merit as to why its important...why because parents complain and it becomes a political liability.! Too bad... but then even P.E. professionals don't understand it and are against it so what does that say! Geez! Mr. F.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Walking... again shows benefits if at a moderate pace!

Walking Works for everyone...but you need to walk at least 3 miles/hr pace, for cardiovascular benefits! Walking is great for social and quiet time and allows you to enjoy the beauty around you! Try and walk at least 30 minutes at that pace and then reap the benefits! See the link to the left!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Physical “Lack of” Education...

… In the Cape Cod article on the link to the left on this page, the Cape Cod Schools are identified as having various P.E Programs that are in compliance with MA state Education laws for meeting the physical education state requirement. As a Physical Educational Professional, I read the article about what is considered physical education, Fitness for life, Wellness and how schools try to squeeze in P.E. in deference to the academic classes, and I felt so frustrated by the articles references to what Physical education is currently in Mass. In the Dennis-Yarmouth Elementary Schools, the P.E professional staff discuss the issues of what a comprehensive P.E curriculum should entail and what is happening in our schools day in and day out. Our curriculum addresses how children learn to move and control their bodies in space; they learn the value of developing body coordination to perform complex movements inherent in games; they learn the physical reasons and benefits of safely performing exercise; they learn how to utilize strategies to accomplish difficult personal and team goals; they learn game concepts and playing fairly and respecting themselves and others, sportsmanship and fair-play; they learn values about hard work, team play and working as a unit for the benefit of a group; they learn a comprehensive list of activities so that they can personally decide what it is that they are good at and perhaps want to learn as a life long activity; they learn that every year that they advance in school that new layers of learning occur and that hard work has to continue to become the best at something; they learn to respect others hard play and that failing is an opportunity for growth and not an end to one’s pursuit of success,; they learn how to set goals for themselves and learn strategies to accomplish those goals. Our physical education staff would never be satisfied with a goal of walking without an understanding that moderate exercise is essential to cardiovascular health and that walking at a slow pace has little health benefit for the normal person, or that strength and conditioning be used as a sole curriculum focus and that wellness would never be defined by soley offering yoga or conditioning alone nor would be walking with friends as a goal to "balance the body and mind” to be with friends ever pass our test for learning. These concepts that exist is an example of an ignorance around a discipline but yet people believe it to be the true measure of wellness or being fit because the state approves it.! Something is wrong with the Mass. mandate and with Education if academics become the driving force and this becomes the definition of Physical Education!. Yes education is crucial but for adults it’s the physical health concepts of healthy living, proper exercise and doing fun social things that keep us alive for many years. Yes electives and choice is great in schools, but without the mandate to require those electives to be taught along with the reasons for and to teach the why’s of good health values, people will never grow to learn these concepts, values and practices of an educated person’s knowledge to fully implement a quality fitness for life strategy. Lets hope that Physical Educators speak out about why the need to be educated about our ability to move in life and remain healthy is as valued as getting an academic education to work and become productive in society. Too many “educated people” are dying early because of a lack of “education” about their bodies, and understand what are good health practices. P.E. practices teach personal control and if people are having difficulty with self control to implement their life choice knowledge, perhaps it is because they missed out in their own P.E history because it wasn’t required and thus they never had the opportunity to learn what our DY kids are learning every day in their physical education classes. Our staff work together so that essential learning concepts occur for all of our kids without the guidance of the State mandates but with a staff sense of professionalism.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Pacer Cardiovascular Fitness Test at

The Pacer Test is a good indicator of fitness for children. Used in conjunction with goal setting, it provides children with an experience about their level of fitness and how to use various strategies to meet a goal!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Florida Mother Outraged at School's 'Fat Letter': Is BMI Bogus?

BMI misunderstood once again! See the article to the left for more details. Parents receive these letters without a full understanding nor explanation of what BMI is looking at for a person. And yet the mother in the article list many of the reasons explaining why a high BMI is not significant for her daughter but complains about getting the letter! BMI only looks at height and weight and a mathematical figure to arrive at a BMI score.Understanding that requires some further explanation: BMI does not identify muscle in a body. Muscle weighs more than fat and so this is the unknown factor when reading a score. Just because a BMI is high could mean that the person is very muscular and thus being overweight would not carry the same impact if one were mostly body fat. Next: If one is physically fit either by running alot or playing sports then again BMI can be misleading due to muscle mass, and thus fitness is the more important factor than a high BMI for health. Next: BMI is important to consider because medically, research has shown a relationship with high BMI and diabetes, strokes, cardiac conditions etc., and so BMI is not something that should be ignored. Next: BMI is only a tool in further looking at yourself or your child and evaluating your own or your childs physical condition and health and then making adjustments to your diet and activity level. If you are not physically fit and have a high BMI then you need to pay attention to that score for your own health and your future. This is only a brief explanation of BMI and I hope you can look at it as a tool to help you to self evaluate your own wellness or that of your child's. DON't dismiss it as stupid and insignificant as the medical literature substantiates the value of looking at BMI. But you knowing the in's and out's of BMI will help you to better understand what it is telling you! Your comments are always welcome. Mr Fantaroni

Thursday, September 26, 2013

You are what you EAT!

Hey Baker boys and girls! If you check out the link listed “Yikes, strips School lunch?!” you will find some very interesting facts on school lunches and some ugly photos of some high school food! YUCK! We here at Ezra Baker know the value and importance of good nutrition! Thanks to our Farm-to-School Grant, you students have the option of fresh fruits and vegetables every day as well as your hot lunch menu choices and maybe even a SMALL treat! We here at Ezra Baker are very lucky to have such an excellent school nutrition program like Farm-to-School, in place! Remember, you are what you eat! Eating light, fresh foods like fruits, vegetables, and healthy dairy products like eggs and light cheese, are the ingredients to a well-balanced, nutritious diet. These good foods affect your athletic performance and brain performance! Not only will your body be lighter, fitter, and faster, but your mind with be clearer, so you can think faster and workout on those math and reading problems better! If all you eat are junk foods like Cheetos, chips, and candy, well then you’re going to feel heavy, lazy, and slow. You don’t want to feel that way when you are trying to run 2 laps or do a math problem, right?! Right. What did the cave-people eat when they were living? They ate foods that they could hunt and gather. Did they hunt or gather Cheetos or chocolate?! No way! So again, you are what you eat so eat healthy, exercise and play every day, and your brain and body will get quicker and fitter!

Friday, September 20, 2013

It's about the Golf Balls in Life!

I saw this video, which I made the link for to the side on this page and think you will find it of some interest. There are so many things which distract us that its easy to lose your perspective from day to day about what is truly important. Watch the video and DON'T let the "sand" in life fill your life but remember the stuff that matters! Yourself and Your family..... Enjoy