Thursday, September 26, 2013

You are what you EAT!

Hey Baker boys and girls! If you check out the link listed “Yikes, strips School lunch?!” you will find some very interesting facts on school lunches and some ugly photos of some high school food! YUCK! We here at Ezra Baker know the value and importance of good nutrition! Thanks to our Farm-to-School Grant, you students have the option of fresh fruits and vegetables every day as well as your hot lunch menu choices and maybe even a SMALL treat! We here at Ezra Baker are very lucky to have such an excellent school nutrition program like Farm-to-School, in place! Remember, you are what you eat! Eating light, fresh foods like fruits, vegetables, and healthy dairy products like eggs and light cheese, are the ingredients to a well-balanced, nutritious diet. These good foods affect your athletic performance and brain performance! Not only will your body be lighter, fitter, and faster, but your mind with be clearer, so you can think faster and workout on those math and reading problems better! If all you eat are junk foods like Cheetos, chips, and candy, well then you’re going to feel heavy, lazy, and slow. You don’t want to feel that way when you are trying to run 2 laps or do a math problem, right?! Right. What did the cave-people eat when they were living? They ate foods that they could hunt and gather. Did they hunt or gather Cheetos or chocolate?! No way! So again, you are what you eat so eat healthy, exercise and play every day, and your brain and body will get quicker and fitter!

Friday, September 20, 2013

It's about the Golf Balls in Life!

I saw this video, which I made the link for to the side on this page and think you will find it of some interest. There are so many things which distract us that its easy to lose your perspective from day to day about what is truly important. Watch the video and DON'T let the "sand" in life fill your life but remember the stuff that matters! Yourself and Your family..... Enjoy

Monday, September 16, 2013

Pac-Man Tag-Fun For All!

At Ezra Baker Elementary...All children are included!! We find the value in each child and develop skills to each child's maximum potential!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Back to School!!!!

Back to School....Soon! School is soon approaching and will be here before you know it! Now is the time to start thinking about your fitness level! Here are some things for you to think about now: Check your BMI level, so that you get an idea where you are now and then during the school year we will have you check yourself again! Remember this is only one tool for you to use and along with other check points, it will give you a picture of your health. Use the links on this blog site to help you! Next, remember the 5-2-1 program and you should check yourself to see if you are eating 5 fruits/vegetables daily, 2 hrs or less of TV/Computer time and 1 hr. of daily physical activity! Start looking now for sales on good running sneakers that give your feet good support! Get physical now so that your body can get ready for running, sweating and conditioning those muscles! Don't wait to start moving in our physical education class because you will find it hard to play many of the games and learn many of the new skills that you will be learning. So, enjoy the summer and make a comment on this blog site should you need any help or advice, I'll be checking this blog for questions! Also, walking daily, as a family unit, does a "body good" and builds those emotional bonds that you will always remember and get that warm fuzzy feeling inside of you! So walk daily and strive for 30 minutes a day of moderate walking, which is at least 3 mph. Until we meet again, enjoy the summer!