Tuesday, September 29, 2009

September P.E. Update!

A new school year has begun and the children have high expectation to learn and have fun in our Physical Education classes.

Through September we have focused on sharing their excitement, while integrating P.E. class rules for behavior, sportsmanship, class attitude, and how we can promote mutual respect for one another.

The activities presented to the children have focused on: cooperative games and working together; getting to know classmates; beginning soccer skills such as dribbling, trapping, controlling the dribble; and various tag games, as well as Bandit and Uninterrupted games.

These initial days are critical in having the children learn class rules and playing together in a respectful way. This foundation will serve as an important guideline in helping your child get the most time on learning and participation.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Do You Believe in me?

This You Tube video is inspirational and the message is clear and worth listening to as parents and professionals and for that matter.....anyone who values the concept that we all have something special to offer to the world!

We believe in your children and the Physical Education Program always stresses that the children Do Their Best!!!!! Because we know that with time, that each child will find their own measure of success in which they can feel proud of accomplishing some task. We hope that with our guidance and support that they truly do learn to ....Believe in themselves!
